Notas |
- Source:
nº 3336 pág. 390, (1974), Índices de los protocolos pertenecientes a las escribanías de la isla de El Hierro
Matrimonio el 17 de febrero de 1696. Los casó el sacerdote Sebastián Padrón de Castañeda, con licencia del Vicario García de Melo y Córdova.
María de Febles, hija de Mateo de Magdaleno Quintero -fallecido- y Petronila Martel de Febles, teniendo pocos medios, comenzó una relación como amante de alguien importante (las crónicas no dicen de quién se trataba). El escándalo fue mal llevado por la familia, y el 13 de junio de 1708 fue asesinada María de Febles y malherido su amante, que luego murió. Primero se acusó del crimen a Sebastián de Febles Martel (tío de la víctima) y a José de Magdaleno (hermano de la misma). Nada se probó, y recayeron luego las sospechas en Francisco Marrero Quintero y su esposa Ana de Espinosa -que tenía gran odio hacia María de Febles por razones que no quedan claras en el proceso- y al hermano de Francisco, Salvador Espinosa de los Monteros y Quintero. Los tres fueron llevados detenidos a Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. No se sabe bien qué ocurrió, salvo que nada se pudo probar. Francisco y Salvador se trasladaron a América (dato deducido del testamento de su madre).
Dacio Darias y Padrón afirma en su obra histórica que los Espinosa de los Monteros y Quintero fueron ayudados a escapar con bien del proceso por un pariente que era canónigo de la catedral de Las Palmas ; pero que estando a punto de ser detenidos de nuevo, Salvador huyó a América con el apoyo de su pariente el párroco de Valverde, que lo habría sabido con antelación gracias a las influencias de la familia.
Salvador nunca regresó de América.
correos electrónicos cruzados el 2 de diciembre del año 2004:
your mail is really intriguing! My ancestor Salvador Espinosa de los Monteros y Quintero leaved the Canary Islands in 1708 -or immediately after, 1709. Although his well-placed relatives in the Island of El Hierro had arranged everything for avoiding him to take the responsibility of the murder, he received news from a relative who was a priest and member of the cathedral college in Las Palmas -seat of the Court of Justice (Audiencia) of the islands- telling him that they just disptached orders to arrest him and bring him to Las Palmas, toi be judged.
There are no more news about him, he took the first ship going to America (the 'Indias', as we called it in Spain) and disappeared forever. There was no reference about which part of America he seetled in. Quite normal, because the legal persecution would have been the same, the Indias being just part of the same Kingdom.
His parents married in 1673, and he seemed to be the first born of their children, so he had to be at the time around 34 years. It was possible -and I would say
It would be no problem for a son of him to be in the military, because in America he was never 'discovered' as the murder. If this would have been the case, news would have arrived to the legal records in El Hierro island, where the murder took place.
So, we may be very well relatives, this would be great. Of course, there is no proof of that, but for the moment it is a really interesting possibility.
Thank you very much,
Julio N. Rancel-Gentry
Bruxelles, BE (UE)
"Si vas a emprender el viaje hacia Itaca,
pide que tu camino sea largo,
rico en experiencias, en conocimiento..."
"When you set out on your journey to Ithaca,
pray that the road is long,
full of adventure, full of knowledge..."
-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: jueves, 02 de diciembre de 2004 16:21
Subject: Salvador Espinosa
Sr. Rancel:
I was reading your genealogy page and noted, in particular, one of your
ancestors: Salvador EESPINOSA. It is a "long shot", but I have an
ancestor by the name of Salvador ESPINOSA who came to California from
Mexico. If the 1708 is the year he was accused of murder and/or left the
Canary Islands, this would have to be my Salvador's father, but I wonder
if it is possible. Salvador and Carlos Cayetano were family names among
my ESPINOSAs. Do you know anything more about Salvador than you have on
your website? (My Salvador was in the military. I'm not sure if that
would have been possible for the son of a man accused of murder.)
Thank you so much. Muchas gracias.
Kim Raine